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Frequently Asked Questions



Who can do Pilates?

Pilates works well for a wide range of people and exercises can be modified in order to ensure a safe yet challenging workout, regardless of fitness level or age.

However, it is advisable that you discuss any new exercise regime with your health care practitioner, especially if you have had any injuries, surgeries, illnesses or are pregnant.



What should I wear and do I need to bring anything?

Whatever is comfortable for you and not too loose. Comfortable gym clothes are recommended with no belts, buckles or anything else that may hurt you while exercising.

Pilates is done without shoes on, but you may wear socks if you would like to.

Please bring a sweat towel and some water with you.


Is Pilates the same as Yoga?

Both Pilates and Yoga are body-mind-disciplines. However, Yoga focuses more on static positions without multiple repetition whereas Pilates flows from one movement to the next with a certain amount of repetitions.



Do I need to be fit to start Pilates?

No. Pilates exercises can be adapted to any fitness level.



Is Pilates only for women?
No. Pilates was started by a man, and men are welcome to attend classes.


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